Journal Description

The European Journal of Teaching and Education (EJTE) is an online open-access international journal, which publishes scholarly articles on a wide variety of topics within the field of education, including, but not limited to, education theory and practice, policy and administration, e-learning, child and family education, lifelong learning, and others. Each study published by EJTE undergoes a rigorous double-blind peer-review process.
The research studies published by EJTE serve the goal of facilitating and enhancing the public discussion on the topics that are essential to the future of teaching and education.  The themes explored throughout the publication set the foundation of our global and national approach to education within the frameworks of academia, practices, policies, and research. As such, EJTE strives to present its readers with a rich selection of perspectives and topics by bringing together experts from a range of clinical and research disciplines, along with policymakers and private institutions in education.

Original title: European Journal of Teaching and Education

ISO Abbreviation: Eur. J. Teach. Educ.

Short title: EJTE

ISSN: 2669-0667 (Electronic Version)

Frequency: Quarterly (4 issues per year)

Nature: Online

Language of Publication: English

European Journal of Teaching and Education is indexed/abstract with the following databases:



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Call for Papers

The European Journal of Teaching and Education (EJTE), a quarterly online open-access international journal, invites you to submit your research work. EJTE is an interdisciplinary journal, with a focus on the field of teaching and education, covering subjects that include, but not limited to, education theory and practice, policy and administration, e-learning, child and family education, lifelong learning, and others. Each study published by EJTE undergoes a rigorous double-blind peer-review process.

We would like to express our deep gratitude to the advisory and editorial boards, who have been working tirelessly to ensure that the quality of the publication matches the highest standards in academia. Our publication offers a forum for an unbiased discussion in the field of education, facilitating cross-border knowledge sharing and expanding the boundaries of our understanding of the developments in the field.

Should you decide to accept our invitation and submit your research paper, you can do so via the Online Submission system available on our website. Kindly note that the submitted abstract or full paper must be original, plagiarism-free, and never submitted to or published in other publications.

We look forward to your submission.

Vol. 6 No. 4 (2024)

Published: December 17, 2024

Youth Protagonism: Promoting a Culture of Peace at School Through Socio-Emotional Development

1-14 Ana Lúcia Hermosilla Tamura

Examining Development Studies (DS) Teaching Philosophy, Methods and Desired Competences in Lesotho Secondary Context

15-32 Ngoanannete David Lekhanya

Unveiling Pre-Service Teachers’ Self-Efficacy: A Comprehensive Analysis of Teaching Materials Utilization

33-48 F. Sehkar Fayda-Kinik

Challenges in Academic Writing for Undergraduate Students in Bangladesh

49-77 Md. Mostafizur Rahman, Mohammad Azmal Hossain, Mohammad Mohi Uddin
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