An Alternative technique to Gauss Elimination Method for Determinants: Integers Version

Journal of Advanced Research in Civil Engineering and Architecture

Year: 2019 | Volume: 1 | Issue: 1 | Page No: 10-23

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An Alternative technique to Gauss Elimination Method for Determinants: Integers Version

Najm Obaid Salim Alghazali



In this research an alternative technique to Gauss Elimination Method forDeterminants is presented.It gives exact determinants. It is free of fractions, free of round off errors and can be applied for all types of square matrices. This alternative technique is illustrated through four different examples.

Keywords: Determinants, Gauss elimination method, inverse of a matrix, The Greatest Common Divisor Laplace expansion method, linear system of algebraic equations, singular matrix, upper triangular determinant.

How to cite this article:
Alghazali,N.(2019).An Alternative technique to Gauss Elimination Method for Determinants: Integers Version. Journal of Advanced Research in Civil Engineering and Architecture, 1 (1): 10-23.