Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on New Findings in Humanities and Social Sciences
Year: 2018 | Page No: 62-69
Exploring Different Written Corrective Feedback Preferences: Role of Learners’ Mathmatical and Kinestetic Intelligence
Mehrdad Rashtchi , Zulqarnain bin Abu Bakar
Many research findings have shown that learners encounter many learning difficulties. However, for effective learning, one has to know oneself and having knowledge about one’s strengths and weaknesses. The process of teaching and learning will be more effective and meaningful when teachers and learners know their potential, their unique styles, strengths and weaknesses in learning. Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences is a psychological and educational theory espousing that eight types of “intelligence” exist in humans, each relating to a different sphere of human life and activity. This study aimed at exploring the preference of L2 learners towards different types of written corrective feedback and their relationship to learners’ mathematical and kinesthetic intelligences. 50 L2 learners from Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS participated in the study. The results revealed that there is no significant difference between mathematically intelligent learners and kinesthetically intelligent ones regarding their preference towards written corrective feedback types.
Keywords: Written Corrective Feedback, Multiple Intelligences, Mathematical Intelligence, Kinesthetic Intelligence.