European Journal of Engineering Science and Technology
Year: 2019 | Volume: 2 | Issue: 4 | Page No: 12-19
No Human Vehicle Tolling System
Kanishk Chhabra
The prototype aims to minimize the number of Accidents occurring on roads due to Red-light Jumping, over speeding and Drunk and Drive cases. In addition, it would address the issues such as Emergency Lanes Misuse, Deaths in Ambulance due to traffic related delays.Road accidents is the 8th leading cause of human death per annum. Day to day observations indicate, Indians in particular follow traffic rules not because of safety but out of fear of being penalized. E.g. people avoid red light jumping if they see a cop stationed right next to traffic signal.“NO HUMAN VEHICLE TOLL SYSTEM” prototype utilizes Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technology and camera projections. It detects the RFID tags via radio waves pre-installed in vehicles. RFID readers installed on the roads would read RFID tags using radio waves, the moment a vehicle passes through it. The signal would then be send to the microcontroller for further processing. Arduino Mega microcontroller is utilized in the prototype. The microcontroller connected to internet commands the server to search for unique RFID tag in the database and advances the process per protocol. To make the system more robust, AI cameras are being utilized to take pictures of the registration plates for reconfirmation before ticket issuance.Based on the above, the prototype would potentially address issues such – Traffic Signal Jumping, Over speeding, Intentional hindrance of Emergency Vehicles, tracking lost vehicle(s), Fake Registration Plate Detection, Driving without Seatbelt and Helmet, Drinking and Driving .In terms of numbers, it may result in 80% reduction in road accidents.
Keywords: safety; accidents,live-saving.
How to cite this article:
Chhabra,K.No Human Vehicle Tolling System. European Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 2 (4):12-19.