European Journal of Engineering Science and Technology
Year: 2019 | Volume: 2 | Issue: 3 | Page No: 64-70
Creating Air Corridors with Density Based Clustering Method
Oguzhan Ciftci and Suat Ozdemir
The danger of shooting civil aircrafts with artillery units is increasing day by day due to the number of war and skirmish zones in the world. Considering the danger of shooting a civilian aircraft, a safe flight zone must be defined for civilian aircrafts. Data mining techniques can quickly and accurately identify safe flight zones. In this study, we firstly discover the civilian aircraft busy routes using a novel dataset and several clustering algorithms. We perform a comparison among algorithms based on their ability to create air corridors.
Keywords: clustering, air corridors, dbscan, hdbscan, optics.
How to cite this article:
Ciftci,O.Ozdemir,S.Creating Air Corridors with Density Based Clustering Method. European Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 2 (3):64-70.