An analytical approach to test a thermal management system for Li-ion battery under a real driving condition

European Journal of Engineering Science and Technology

Year: 2019 | Volume: 2 | Issue: 3 | Page No: 11-22

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An analytical approach to test a thermal management system for Li-ion battery under a real driving condition

Mehdi Mehrabi-Kermani



A hybrid thermal management system (TMS) for high power lithium-ion battery modules of EVs with low energy consumption and high reliability was tested under a real state driving condition. An experimental investigation was performed to compare the hybrid TMS with an active air-cooling and a passive TMSs. We employed all three TMSs in standard weather condition of 24 °C. For dynamic mode, a study of driving cycle in comparison with US, Europe, and Japan driving cycle data was conducted to perform a dynamic model based on a high traffic city to challenge our TMSs in a real driving state including high and standard discharge rate and a stop mode in which there was no air convection. The results showed that just in the hybrid TMS, the cell surface could reach a steady state under 60 °C while the active TMS could keep temperature only for three cycles. Furthermore, our test proved that the proposed hybrid TMS maintains outstanding reliability and efficiency in the hot weather condition of 40 °C.

Keywords: Lithium-ion battery; Hybrid thermal management; Phase change material; Forced convection; Driving cycle mode.

How to cite this article:
Mehrabi-Kermani,M.An analytical approach to test a thermal management system for Li-ion battery under a real driving condition. European Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 2 (3):11-22.