Simulation of RF Technology Based Power Theft Detection

European Journal of Engineering Science and Technology

Year: 2019 | Volume: 2 | Issue: 1 | Page No: 95-105

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Simulation of RF Technology Based Power Theft Detection

Hussien Alalem, Abdalla Fadel, Abdalla Turki, Mona Shlibek and Manal Shlibek



No doubt that electricity is an essential thing in our daily life. It has an vital role to facilitate the human life as without it we can not run appliances in our homes, hospitals, offices…etc. Day by day, the demand of electricity increases rapidly due to its uses. This leads to illegal connection of electricity for those who can not pay for it. Such theft of electricity from distribution line leads to huge losses for electricity utilities . Libyan power grid is facing this problem due to huge losses that resulted from illegal usage. This paper is designed to show the simulation by Proteus to design and model of power theft detection and monitoring using RF technology. The proposed system detects the theft whenever is occurred. It is supposed that at substation side which is pole 1 there is Arduino, and at consumed side which is pole 2 there is Arduino as well. Transferring data from Arduino at pole 2 to Arduino at pole 1 through modulo RF 433 MHZ modules. Arduino at pole 2 will calculate electricity theft and transmit data to Arduino at pole 1 to make a comparison between data. This was done in this paper via the UART interface to the UART terminal embedded in the Proteus. The source code has been shown for both Master and Slave boards.

Keywords: GECOL, Adruino, Current Sensors, RF 433 module, LCD displays.

How to cite this article:
Alalem,H.Fadel,A.Turki,A.Shlibek,M.Shlibek,M.Simulation of RF Technology Based Power Theft Detection. European Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 2 (1):95-105.