Significantly Improved Mechanical Properties of 1100 Aluminium Alloy via Particle Reinforcement

European Journal of Engineering Science and Technology

Year: 2018 | Volume: 1 | Issue: 1 | Page No: 55-62

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Significantly Improved Mechanical Properties of 1100 Aluminium Alloy via Particle Reinforcement

A.O Adetunla and E.T Akinlabi



In this study, metal matrix composite is fabricated on 1100 Aluminium alloy by multi pass friction stir processing using different reinforcement particles namely Fly Ash, Palm Kernel Shell Ash, Ti62222 and 304 Stainless steel. Metal matrix composites with average grain size of 6.5 μm are achieved. The addition of reinforcements at the stir zone has enhanced the mechanical properties of the 1100 Al alloy, finer grain structure is also evident after three cumulative passes. Higher strength ranging from 268 to 454 MPa is achieved. Microhadrness of the developed metal matrix composites reinforced with various particles exhibits an improved average microhardness values that ranges from 75 to 95 HV. 304 stainless steel serves as the best reinforcement to be used, offering higher hardness values and good tensile strength of 454.18MPa. The sets of new alloys fabricated in this study can be considered for typical surface engineering applications

Keywords: fly ash; multi pass FSP; PKSA; surface metal matrix composites; Ti-62222; 304 Stainless Steel.

How to cite this article:
Adetunla,A.O.Akinlabi,E.T.Significantly Improved Mechanical Properties of 1100 Aluminium Alloy via Particle Reinforcement. European Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 1 (1):55-62.