Editorial policy

We recommend our authors to read the following carefully before submitting the manuscripts:

  1. Manuscripts are accepted on condition that they have not been previously published or submitted for publication, and are not going to be sent to other journals. This restriction does not apply to works published in a form of abstracts or summaries.
  2. After Admin processing, the corresponding author will receive a Manuscript ID Number. All of the manuscripts are subject to be under Review process. Authors can expect to receive the first round of reviewers’ comments and the initial result of their submissions within 3-6 months for routine submissions, and within 3-10 weeks for fast Track submissions (depending on the availability of expert reviewers).
  3. Final decision on an article will be made by Editorial Boards after consideration of reviewers’ evaluation. Possible decisions on a manuscript are: accept as is, minor revision, major revision, or reject. Manuscripts that are initially accepted must be revised by the author(s) based on the reviewers’ comments and suggestions.
  4. The author(s) whose manuscripts are accepted for publication must pay the publication fee to the journal for open access publishing of the article.
  5. After revising the manuscript based on the reviewers’ comments and the English editor’s input, the final pre-publication version of the manuscript will be prepared and sent to the author(s) for final checking and approval.
  6. After receiving the final approval from the author(s), a digital object identifier (DOI) will be assigned to the article, and it will be sent for final layout design and publication.