Proceedings of The World Conference on Research in Teaching and Education
Year: 2019
Managerial aspects influencing deployment of e-learning technologies: A literature review of selected themes
Elizabeth Landa, Chang Zhu and Jennifer Sesabo
In order to obtain benefits from using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education sector, both technical and management aspects related to the use of ICT are needed. This literature review article focuses on assessing managerial aspects that influence deployment of e-learning technologies. Provision of details in each managerial dimension attempted to cover description of their significance, and the extent to which they influence adoption and usage of e-learning technologies. Key considerations were also extracted and presented as benchmarks for smooth practicality. A stock of existing literature n=81 devoted to the study, were reviewed to capture the specific themes for extracting arguments to acquire a wider perspective of the findings. The downloaded literature were categorised thematically and timely to capture a review of themes and trends on appreciable increase of usage or adoption published respectively. The process supported by NVivo software (version 12). From the findings training seemed the most discussed and considered managerial factor in terms of its significance and influence. It might be so due to its nature and need as it has to be conducted from the initial stage and continuously. The literature seems to be concerned with managerial aspects facilitating e-learning technologies in a holistic way, for stance combining different aspects of training, ultimately reflecting a high level of training aspect analysed. Still, despite some of these aspects being dubbed ‘all inclusive’, many tend to be little reported if we consider the possibilities in terms of those managerial dimensions.
Keywords: E-learning; dimension; management; significance; technology; use.