Proceedings of The World Conference on Research in Teaching and Education
Year: 2019
Modeling of educational and creative environment for children with special educational needs
Ekaterina Ivanova and Julia Doncheva
In the present scientific paper one of the most general aims is the complex health of the child with special educational needs (SEN), its full integration, as far as possible, that contributes to the well-being of the community and its personal happiness. The creative approach to the formation of a developing educational and creative environment for children with special educational needs is fundamental to their adaptation and socialization, to their full and independent way of life. Analysis of the cognitive and creative functioning of the person increases the probability of building skills to include realistic, evidence-based assessments of situations and to reduce the subjective experience of negative emotion. These skills include identifying cognitive distortions, changing beliefs related to the world and others, and changing behavioral coping strategies. With the development of modern technologies and the transition of human civilization to an information society, the problem of personal adaptability becomes more and more relevant. The adaptation of man to the requirements of the social environment, his experience as a professionally realized and succeeded, identified with the group, with the organization experiencing serious pressure from internal and external factors are present. This report discusses options that alleviate the condition of distress, both in children and in their parents. The practical dimension of this statement is related to seeking a coherent link in the application of creativity as a creative process.
Keywords: adaptation; independence; integration; skills; socialization.