Proceedings of The World Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities
Year: 2019
Economic Activity of the Population by Age in European Union Countries
Ewa Pośpiech and Adrianna Mastalerz-Kodzis
One of the most frequently studied characteristics of the labour market is the unemployment rate, however an equally important element of economic analyzes is the employment level survey (total and broken down by various categories e.g. by sex, age, place of employment, level of education and others). On the one hand, the identification of factors that shape the levels of the considered features, on the other hand, the assessment of the impact of the examined characteristics on the economy, are important elements of the state’s economic policy allowing for monitoring and managing the phenomenon. Therefore, the article intends to analyze employment by age groups in selected European countries. It is planned to identify the main factors shaping this phenomenon in each country surveyed, as well as to assess the impact that the studied characteristics have on the economic development of countries. The main purpose of the article is to show similarities and differences in the level and structure of employment occurring in the European Union countries, taking into account the division into age groups. To achieve this goal, it is planned to use selected quantitative tools enabling analysis and comparison of the considered characteristics.
Keywords: employment level analysis; employment structure survey; labour market and economic development; labour market in European countries; quantitative research on the characteristics of the labour market.