Kwl as a Possible Model to Connect Self-Assessment and Feedback: The Students’ View

Proceedings of The International Conference on Teaching, Learning and Education

Year: 2019


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Kwl as a Possible Model to Connect Self-Assessment and Feedback: The Students’ View

Valentina Pagani



This paper focuses on peer feedback in relation to self-assessment (SA), in a university context. Assessment in higher education can have two functions: providing credentials or improving learning (Boud et al., 1999). As far as the latter purpose is concerned, the research considers self-assessment (SA) as a key element that enhances learning and achievement (Harris & Brown, 2013) in connection with feedback, considered central to learning (Black & Wiliam, 1998). In order for effective SA to occur, students need to be aware of its value (Goodrich, 1996). With the first aim of verifying if university students know the importance of using SA practices, a representative sample of 417 Spanish students participated voluntarily to a questionnaire about their beliefs and use of SA. Data, analyzed through factor analysis, confirmed the fundamental role of SA in students’ learning processes. Taking into consideration all the conditions described by Goodrich, the research has moved forward, experimenting a metacognitive model, the Know-Want-Learn method (Ogle, 1986) with the second aim of determining if it could be useful for students to better self-assess themselves using feedback.  Among the students who participated in the questionnaire, a sample of 47 subjects took part in the activity in which the role of feedback was observed. Although the sample is not representative of the higher education population, it is large enough to allow reasonable reflections confirming that peer feedback can enable students to better self-assess themselves as some skills are common to both peer and SA (Liu & Carless, 2006).

Keywords: Assessment; Feedback; Metacognition; Spain; Students.