Proceedings of The International Conference on Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year: 2019
Situs KABUYUTAN Ciburuy: Effort Sites to Preserve Local Community Knowledge (History and Cultural Approach)
Anugrah Rahmatulloh, Muhamad Alim and Inu Isnaeni Sidiq
Globalization has changed the world community’s order in recent times. What about the increasingly blurred distance between regions makes the many elements from various regions mingle and form a new universal identity. The effect is that a region’s distinctive culture is slowly being displaced and gradually being abandoned by its people, one of which is local culture. This will certainly be dangerous because the community will lose their original identity. This research was conducted at the Kabuyutan Ciburuy Site, Pamalayan Village, Bayongbong District, Garut Regency. This research looks at how the Kabuyutan Ciburuy site is one source of local culture, especially knowledge that intersects with the community and globalization. The purpose of this study was to look at the position of the Cibuyy Kabuyutan site as a source of local culture surviving in the conditions of modern society, and to see how the community attaches to its own site through local knowledge contained in ancient manuscripts. By using a qualitative approach and using historical and cultural analysis, this study found that the Kabuyutan Ciburuy site from its inception has contributed to the preservation of the cultural locality of the local community through manuscripts that function as guardians of the local knowledge of the community. In addition, it was also found that people’s knowledge of their local culture gradually began to disappear along with the lack of community interaction with the site itself. From the analysis and findings obtained,it will produce recommendations for concrete solutions to safeguard the Kabuyutan Ciburuy site to survive and re-use the community as the main source of knowledge of local culture.
Keywords: Locality, Mandala, Manuscript, Tourism.