Proceedings of The International Conference on Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year: 2019
Enhancing Database Transmission Security by Implementing Triangle Chain Cipher Algorithm
Windarto and Ajat Sudrajat
Budi Luhur Salemba is a branch campus of Universitas Budi Luhur. To facilitate the management of students data, Budi Luhur Salemba use a database that would be sent later to Universitas Budi Luhur. Currently, the information contained in the Oracle database is taken by the application and converted into a JSON file form then transmitted to Universitas Budi Luhur by uploading through the Universitas Budi Luhur’s website. The form of the uploaded information is still exactly the same as the raw data displayed as the final information, so it can still be seen by unauthorized parties. In order to keep the information accessed by unauthorized parties, a method of securing information is required so that the information transmitted is not easily seen or accessed by unauthorized parties. The method intended is the encryption method using Triangle Chain Cipher algorithm. Before the information being encrypted and uploaded on to Universitas Budi Luhur’s website, student’s data must be extracted from the Oracle database and then converted into an Access database. Once the information had been encrypted, then the encrypted information would be sent over the website or email. When the information had been received, the must be decrypted before being processed. This symmetric algorithm works twice, so that each characters is substitute with a key and a factor that is used as a multiplier as in the algorithm formula. The encrypted Database will be transformed into an ASCII code as cipher text. The result is by implementing Triangle Chain Cipher algorithm in the application, student’s information and data student’s information and data that would be sent to the central campus is expected to be more protected from unauthorized parties’ access.
Keywords: communication; cryptography; database; information; security; triangle chain cipher.