Proceedings of The International Conference on Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Year: 2019
Measuring Indonesia’s Soft Power Through Sports Program in the Emtek’s Media Group
Denik Iswardani Witarti and Yousep Eka Irawan Apriyandi
The research aims to measure the power of sports program soft power in Emtek Group’s media as an official broadcaster during the Asian Games 2018 in Indonesia. To measure the soft power owned by Emtek Group, this paper develops three indicators: first, audience share performance from Indosiar and SCTV television media. Second, the website traffic of KapanLagi Youniverse media network. Third, increasing social media growth of Indosiar and The result showed that Asian Games programs on television experienced an increase, especially audience share on Indosiar compared to the regular program. Traffic websites of KLY media networks also gained numerous visitors. They visited the KLY websites frequently to find information related to Asian Games. The growth of all Indosiar social media has also increased tremendously, especially viewers on their Youtube channel. Likewise, the number of visitors who stream sports program showed a surge of viewers compared to the regular visitors. Based on those indicators, this paper concludes that the soft power of media is visibly measured. The attention and loyalty of the audience in watching all sports program during the Asian Games can be admitted as a form of soft power.
Keywords: media, power, social media, soft power, sport programs.