Proceedings of The International Conference on Research in Psychology
Year: 2019
Stress among Engineering Students Empirical study of Causes of stress in Indian Perspective
Nishant Narayanan
Education in India is tougher than anywhere else and it continues to grow in difficulty each year. Students passionate about engineering find it easier to get into Harvard than getting into IITs (Tharoor, 2013). This rising competition in modern education has led to students of various professional institutes to be engulfed in stress. The purpose of this study is to identify the factors of stress, what consequences it has on the students of engineering institute of India and how it varies based on their respective disciplines (Computer/IT, Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, Chemical,etc.). The study aims to investigate social, academic, environmental, technological, psychological and personal causes of stress and its behavioral consequences. The research data consists of 400 undergraduate students from various universities in Gujarat. A self-designed questionnaire along with a burnout inventory and perceived stress scale was constructed to gather data. The data showed that the new generation is experiencing stressors which are interconnected and therefore, give them less scope and a smaller window to balance their professional and personal life. Additionally, speaking in an Indians context, there is a highly integrated social expectation and higher family expectations too. Stake holders’ expectations and concern play a big role when students select a discipline and also how the students perceive success and failure. Findings,limitations and implications of the study are discussed.
Keywords: Stress, Factors of Stress, Engineering Students, Pedagogy, empirical study, India.