Functions of National Libraries in 21st Century

Proceedings of The International Conference on Research in Humanities and Social Sciences

Year: 2018


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Functions of National Libraries in 21st Century

Mervin Weerasinghe



The origin of the NL concept goes back to ancient libraries of the world. According to some librarians and historians, the library of Alexandria was a NL. It performed some functions, which the present NLs are carrying out. However, there is no agreement about the origin of the NL concept. According to Maurice B.Line there is no universally accepted definition of a NL. “ It is easy to think of NL as a well-established category of libraries… occupying a similar position and fulfilling similar roles in most, if not all countries yet NLs are surprisingly difficult to define”.There are so many debates as well as school of thoughts regarding the functions of a NL. Certain international associations and institutions itemized the functions of the NL. However, all those recommendations have been changed with passage of time. Objectives of the research are given below
1-To identify the principle functions of National Libraries.
2-To identify challenges which are affecting to National Library in 21st century.
3-Investigate responsibilities of National libraries.
4-Propse functions of National Libraries suit to the new millennium
In this research the researcher used mixed methods of quantitative and qualitative approach to test the outcomes of the research. The outcomes of the research useful to different groups of people in the world, mainly those who are working in managerial positions and members of the Directors of NLs.

Key words: History of Libraries; Library Function; National Libraries; Type of Libraries; Royal Libraries.