Interview Decision-Makings by HR Practitioners:Statistical Policy-Capturing of Entry-Level Applicants

Proceedings of The International Conference on Research in Human Resource Management

Year: 2019


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Interview Decision-Makings by HR Practitioners:Statistical Policy-Capturing of Entry-Level Applicants

Kiyoshi Takahashi, Norihiko Ogawa, and Daisuke Osato



This study investigates interview criteria using a policy capturing methodology that can identify unconscious standards in experimental decision-making settings. In this regard, a questionnaire was administered to HR staffs in 80 Japanese companies. The findings were as follows: (1) of four criteria, namely attractive appearance, university ranking, person-organization fit (P-O fit), and communication skills, companies set the highest value on applicants’communication skills; (2) companies consider P-O fit and university ranking important and do not consider physical attractiveness important; and (3) interviewers with the authority to make decisions about hiring are more concerned about P-O fit than staff interviewers who lack such authority.

Keywords: Human resource management, recruiting and training issues, employment interview,criteria for hiring decision, policy capturin,methodology.