Proceedings of The International Conference on Research in Humanities
Year: 2019
Gender Studies in Contemporary Art Museums:(in)visibilities of women artists
Ana Tirado-De la Chica
This work addresses a study of contemporary art museums from the approach of gender studies.In the last years, gender studies in the field of art museums have become recurrent. Recently, the “The Conversation” journal published a summary about the research of the Cristina Nualart (Complutense University of Madrid) about the number of women artists in the “Reina Sofía” National Museum of Contemporary Art in Madrid (Spain), titled “Do national museum discriminate against women artists?”
[“¿Discriminan a las artistas los museos estatales? El caso del Reina Sofía”], (09/02/2019, The main goal of the present study is to know about the presence of women artists in exhibitions in contemporary art museums. Thus, it realizes the analysis of temporary art exhibitions in the past years and directed to three variables of the analysis: the percentage ratio per year between men and women artists, topics in women’s artworks and other plastic and aesthetic characteristics of artistic production. It comprises a sample of three local museums in different European countries: The Whitechapel Gallery in London (U.K.); the MAC-VAL in Vall-de-Marne (France), the “Casa Encendida” in Madrid (Spain).
Keywords: art, museology, gender studies, visibility.