QFD-MCDM Integrated for supplier selection in outsourcing of transport

Proceedings of International Conference on Management, Economics and Finance

Year: 2019

DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.33422/icmef.2019.03.145

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QFD-MCDM Integrated for supplier selection in outsourcing of transport

Jomana Mahfod



In today’s severe competitive environment in the global market whether in services, products or manufacturing, the decision to select suppliers is an important step in the success of the quality of the outsourcing and for process effective supply chain management. This decision gives the opportunity to enhance the competitiveness of companies; In addition to meeting, the customers’ needs that are becoming increasingly as well as they may be conflicting with some of the company’s capabilities. In order to achieve these objectives, it is necessary to choose the suppliers who fulfills requirements customers at the same time succeed in achieving the standards of the company.
In this paper, we applied a multi-criteria group decision-making approach that makes use of quality function deployment (QFD), fusion of information between DEMATEL and ELECTRE model each separately and both of MOORA and COPRAS method for supplier selection. The proposed methodology seeks to establish the relevant supplier assessment criteria while also considering the impacts of inner dependence among them and customers’ requirements???. The study establishes the weights of ??? through the Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) method and ELimination and Choice Expressing Reality (ELECTRE) method, which considers the influences of inconformity and causal relationship between customers’ needs. For supplier selection and evaluation, this paper employs quality function deployment to integrate the voice of outside consumers ??? and supplier criteria ??? by using “House of Quality” charts. Finally, for achieving the object of this paper, which is ranking the supplier and choose the best one and the alternatives we compare between multi-objective optimization based on ratio analysis method (MOORA) and (COPRAS) .The proposed framework is used to analyse a case study of an outsourcing in road transport.

Keywords: Outsourcing, Supplier selection, Quality function deployment, Customers’ requirements, Supplier criteria.