Proceedings of the International Conference on Research in Education, Teaching and Learning.
Year: 2018 | Page No:35
Adult Hispanics Learning In MOOCS: What Is Missing?
Ramón T.F.
Self-efficacy theory provided the lens to explore the learning experiences of seven adult Hispanics who registered in English Composition I MOOC offered by Duke University. Four themes were identified through an interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA): 1) prior learning experiences that shaped students’ academic development, 2) students’ cultural background, 3) experiences and attitudes that influenced students’ academic performance, and 4) English composition I MOOC learning experiences. Findings revealed the need to include strategies in MOOCs instructional design to support students’ self-efficacy. Findings also exposed that cultural background, time management skills and students’ registration status––those who want to get a MOOC certificate versus those who register as audit students–– have a direct effect on motivation and engagement. The study is relevant for MOOC instructional designers, universities and MOOC providers and stakeholders. The study also showed the need for further research that includes demography, social interaction and rewarding systems in MOOCs and quantitative research that connects selfefficacy with MOOCs and Hispanics and other ethnic groups.
Keywords: MOOC, Hispanic, Latino, self-efficacy, teaching, learning.