Teaching Writing Differently

Proceedings of the International Conference on Research in Education, Teaching and Learning.

Year: 2018 | Page No:30

DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.33422/ICETL.2018.11.70

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Teaching Writing Differently

Al Hadhrami, M



The presentation aims at sharing a creative approach of teaching writing, specifically the structure of academic report to share with educationalists. In this workshop, conventional methodologies will be challenged. In other words, the process of teaching writing is reversed. Instead of giving students the instruction to write an essay, they are given the product (model essay) to analyze. The presentation is based on actual writing lessons that took place in two semesters in two different classes. In this presentation, similar activities will be conducted with the participants. The participants will be given a model essay and be asked to analyze it. They will highlight the key sentences and phrases and their role in the essay. Also, they will think of alternatives to these phrases and sentences and list them. The participants then will share their posters with each other and give feedback to each other using sticky notes. Review of related literature will be presented to the audience as well as demonstration of the students’ final posters and their feedback.

Keywords: writing, structure, model, essay, fun.