Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Research in Business, Management and Economics
Year: 2019
Sensitizing and much more ‘to do list’ for the Indian corporates towards their Visually Impaired Employees for a Sustainable Employee Value Proposition (EVP)
Neha Patvardhan,Smita Santoki
The Corporate human resources in India have a negligible attention towards the visually impaired employees. The aim is to find out the correlation between the sexual self-concept, body esteem and the psychological well-being that relates to job performance of the visually impaired employees. As this will enable the companies to enhance their Employee Value Proposition accordingly. The authors have explored other dimensions possible; apart from sensitization workshops that will create a high sustainable working environment.
Keyword: Sexual Self-Concept, Self-Esteem and Psychological Well-being, visually impaired, Employee Value Proposition, sustainable workplace.