Proceedings of The International Academic Conference on Education, Teaching and Learning
Year: 2019
Social Notions of Students Regarding the Image of the Professional Activity of a Higher Education Lecturer
Dace Medne and Liene Batņa
The Latvian education system is currently undergoing a reform of the content of general education, moving to contemporary competence education, which sets new requirements for the training of new teachers. Contemporary competence education focuses on the development of key competencies and transversal competencies necessary for human capacity, providing quality education at all levels of education and in all forms of education. The training and professional development of educators at a new level of quality is a prerequisite for its successful implementation. Therefore, preparing future teachers in all teacher education programs for the new curriculum is an essential task for the universities. Thus, the question arises as to what forms the framework of the image of university lecturers’ professional activity in teacher education, since the image of the professional activity of teaching professionals in higher education is one of the prerequisites for the development of the professional activities of the students. The image of professional activity is understood as a reflection of a phenomenon that is formed in the consciousness of a person as a result of previous social experience in the form of sign systems, and is reinforced through social concepts. This determined the research question: what, from the students’ perspective, forms the framework of the image of the professional activity of a university lecturer, preparing the future teacher for the new curriculum. In order to answer the research question, scientific literature, the binding normative framework and a reasoned framework of the image of university lecturers’ professional activity were analyzed, the image of the lecturers’ professional activity as seen from the perspective of a student of Music teacher education programs of Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music (JVLMA) was examined. Based on the obtained results, the image of the professional activity of a JVLMA lecturer, as seen from the perspective of a student, was developed.
Keywords: future teacher; music teacher education; reflection; students’ perspective; teacher education.