Proceedings of The International Academic Conference on Education, Teaching and Learning
Year: 2019
Counselor education: an effective teaching method for training of the children mind to think
Appaji korikana
Education provides plenty of knowledge to fill the children’s mind through teacher and teaching by learning facts as per age or grades. But According to Einstein, Education is not learning the facts but the training of the mind to think. This is possible for class room teacher through his teaching and his experience, but there is no scope to make it true or to prove this, as he may be engaged with multi tasks or the child may not be coping up with studies due to his educational problems. In this scenario counselor education can bring the change in children mind to think and to retrieve their original talents by counseling. This article tries to explain the concept ‘Counselor Education’ and how it helps to the teacher to train the children mind to think.
“Education is not the learning of facts but the training of the mind to think”
Keywords: Plenty, knowledge, learning, Experience, retrieve.