Narrative experiences from first-year students in human resources provide opportunities for an academic to reflect on self-improvement

Proceedings of The ‏Global Conference on Education and Teaching

Year: 2021


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Narrative experiences from first-year students in human resources provide opportunities for an academic to reflect on self-improvement

Maraka Lefera and Arthur, James Swart



Feedback is seen as a crucial way to facilitate performance of academics who are continuously monitoring their own teaching practices. The purpose of this paper is to present first year human resources management students’ feedback on their experience in a module by reviewing their narratives in order to help an academic identify areas of self-improvement. A case study is used for this research. The key results indicate that the academic was very motivational who facilitated student learning in a friendly engaging manner. However, one comment was made that relates to the lack of experience by the academic who could not explain in detail some of the difficult theoretical concepts. This is an area of self-improvement that the academic can focus on by continuing to participate in the scholarship of teaching and learning by improving her teaching practice. Furthermore, many of the students enjoyed the module that suggests that they were motivated to learn more about human resources management. It is recommended that academics should continuously reflect on their teaching practices for self-improvement. One way of doing this is by using narrative experiences of students.

Keywords: Academic; education; feedback; journal; self-improvement; students.