Proceedings of the 8th International conference on Research in Engineering, Science and Technology
Year: 2018
Photo-catalytic reduction of hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) under visible light with Bi-Zn co-doped TiO2
B.Benalioua, Kada.Manseri, I.Benyamina, M.Mansour, A.Bentouami1 and B.Boury
The aim of this study is based on the synthesis of a new photo catalystby co-doping TiO2with bismuth and zinc and its application on the photo-reduction of hexavalentchromiumunder visible light. The material obtained was characterized by XRD, BET and UV-vis DRS. The XRD characterization results of the obtained material Bi-Zn-TiO2revealed the presence of the anatase phase and the absence of the rutile phase compared tothe TiO2 P25 diffractogram. Otherwise, the UV- visible diffuse reflection spectroscopy (UV-vis DRS) characterization showed that the Bi-Zn-TiO2 exhibits redshift relative to commercial TiO2-P25, this property promises a photo catalytic activity of Zn-Bi-TiO2 under visible light. Indeed, the efficiency of photo catalyticBi-Zn-TiO2under visible light is has been proved by a complete reduction ofhexavalent chromiumsolution of 10 mg/L after 120 minutes, whereas with the P25-TiO2the photo-reduction is achieved after 240 minutes.
Keywords: POA, heterogeneous photocatalysis, TiO2, doping.