Proceedings of The 8th international conference on Management, Economics and Humanities
Year: 2018
Green Public Procurement Opportunities in Electronic Procurement System: Case Study in Latvia
I. Pelsa, S. Balina
Green public procurement (GPP) is a mean of saving up finances for public institutions, especially taking into consideration not only procurement price but also total expenses of the contract lifecycle. In Latvia the first Electronic Procurement System (EPS) was established in 2005, and was the first such procurement system in the Baltic States. Initially, it only acted as an e-Procurement system in which public institutions can purchase standard goods and services. The aim of the paper is to explore the proportion of applied GPP of total procurement in EPS in Latvia in the period from 2015 to 2017, and to analyze how the aims of the proportion of GPP are achieved. A complete transition to e-Procurement will reduce both administrative costs and significant savings for the state budget. GPP proportion in procurement made within the EPS in 2015 was 9%, in 2016 – 8%, but in 2017 – 19.10%, which means that GPP a substantial increase.
Keywords: Electronic procurement, Electronic procurement system, Green public procurement.