AVAIN-indicator – From systematical client plans to the measurement of effectiveness in adult social work

Proceedings of The 8th International Conference on New Findings in Humanities and Social Sciences

Year: 2022



AVAIN-indicator – From systematical client plans to the measurement of effectiveness in adult social work

Niina Tanner



The aim of this research is to produce information about the goal attainment of people who depend on social services and benefits. First, the study examines the goals of adult social work clients to support evidence-based social work (RQ 1). Second, the study intends to produce information about the effectiveness of different adult social work methods in supporting clients’ goal attainment, as well as provide insights into the possible gender differences related to the choice of social work methods found in previous pilot studies (Kivipelto et al. 2013; Kivipelto 2020; RQ 2). Third, this research explores whether the bureaucratic pitfalls of the social service system impact employment (RQ 3). According to Virrankari et al. (2021), this has not previously been researched in Finland. To answer RQ 1 and 2, this study utilizes THL’s (Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare) “KEY”-indicator. KEY forms part of a digital client plan used in social services and contains four main elements: goals, situational factors, services and methods. The KEY indicator’s goals and methods sections will be analysed statistically (e.g. SPSS cross-tabulations) in congruence with background variables. The data will be collected from ˜50 municipalities that have recorded customer plans equipped with KEY data between August 2022 and March 2023. To answer RQ3, a separate Webropol survey will be carried out to gain insight on the possible association between bureaucracy and the employment goals of people who depend on social benefits.

keywords: AVAIN-indicator, effectiveness of social work, customer plan, social work