Analysis of Muslim Populated Countries’ Performance on Wellbeing Measures

Proceedings of the 8th International Conference On Humanities, Psychology and Social Science

Year: 2018


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Analysis of Muslim Populated Countries’ Performance on Wellbeing Measures

Melih Sever



Social progress measures aim to give countries a clue about what should matter and not. In that sense selected well known measures which are Human Development Index, Happy Planet Index and World Happiness Report are assessed and analyzed in terms of countries which have more Muslim population. By exposing the data from different measures, countries performance on various indicators highlighted. Moreover, indexes stance on measuring wellbeing via various indicators and its effect on Muslim countries performance discussed. As a result, apart from the economic indicators for a few Gulf countries, the indexes tend to put Islamic countries around the bottom of the lists and it does not seem possible to change this ranking in the short term.

Keywords: Islamic Countries, Happiness, Social Progress, Human Development.