Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Modern Approaches in Science, Technology & Engineering
Year: 2021
Effect of Bioaugmentation by Using Cow Manure Microbial Consortium on Microbial Communities for Treating Food Waste with Anaerobic Digestion
Nadya Y. Fahmi, Cindy R. Priadi, and Heri Hermansyah
The number of microorganisms is the key factor affecting biodegradation capacity for anaerobic digestion (AD). Bioaugmentation strategy using an enriched culture has been known give supplementary microorganisms and consequently improve the AD performance, but bioaugmentation using a microbial consortium without enrichment for treating food waste (FW) is unknown. In the present study investigated whether bioaugmentation can improve the AD performance of FW, as well as the effect of addition microbial consortium on the microbial community. Bioaugmentation seed (BS) in this study was a cow manure microbial consortium collected from slaughterhouse in Curug, Depok and the frequency of bioaugmentation was performed in every three days. The microbial community was examined using metagenomic next-generation sequencing (NGS). The effect of bioaugmentation using BS without enrichment was revealed as well. Findings demonstrated that effectively increase biogas production (1470.2 L/kgVS-day) and methane yield (933.8 LCH4/kgVS), compared to non-bioaugmentation (693.1 L/kgVS-day) and (516 LCH4/kgVS). The increased biogas production and methane yield shows the feasibility of applying cow manure (CM) for bioaugmentation in AD of FW. Furthermore, NGS analysis showed that BS enhanced the population of Methanosarcina and Methanosaeta. The abundance at 17,29% and 11,29%, respectively. The higher Methanosarcina and Methanosaeta indicate the acetoclastic pathway was dominant on methanogenesis. The success of bioaugmentation using CM depends on environmental factors suitable for microbial life.
Keywords: Anaerobic Digestion, Bioaugmentation, Cow manure, Food Waste and Microbial community