Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Research in Teaching and Education
Year: 2023
Teaching “Mythological Narratives” to Students of Visual Communication
Esthy Kravitz-Lurie, Ph.D., Inbal Grey
As an Art Historian teaching in a Department of Visual Communication in an Engineering College, I find it challenging to engage our very practical students in theoretical subjects. In order to demonstrate the relevance of classical history and literature to the studies of Visual Communication, I have joined forces with a colleague, an instructor of graphic design. Together we teach an experimental advanced course titled: “Mythological Narratives in Art and Design.” The course exposes the students to classical narratives, to works of art and to the transmedia of these narratives and images through the means of Visual Communication. This paper follows the stages of the course: First documenting the creative approach to the theoretical learning of myths and epic poems. Second, assessing the impact of the theoretical studies on the student’s programming and execution of their final projects. And finally reporting the outcomes of the students’ work by including some samples of their essays, and final design projects created in the formats of their choice. Above all, this paper advocates an unorthodox methodology that blurs the boundaries between the classroom and the studio, between theory and practice, hoping to demonstrate that this way of teaching history engages the students and keeps them creative and active throughout the learning process, making the studies of humanities relevant and effective.
Keywords: design, image, myths, practice, theory