Effect of different storage conditions on the quality of table eggs

Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Research in Science and Technology

Year: 2018

DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.33422/8RST.2018.11.36

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Effect of different storage conditions on the quality of table eggs

V.Ayhan, U.S.Yamak



The study was conducted to determine the effect of different storage conditions on egg quality characteristics of table eggs. A total of 270 eggs were collected from 80 week old Brown Lohmann Brown flock. External and internal quality traits were determined on 30 eggs and these data were used as fresh egg quality traits. And the other 240 eggs were weighed and divided into two groups of 120 eggs. For each group, 40 of eggs were washed and kept in 4 carton viols, 40 of them were kept in carton viols without washing and 40 of them were placed in carton viols and covered with stretch film. Each viol had 10 eggs. First group eggs were kept in refrigerator and second group eggs were kept in room temperature. At days of 7, 14, 21 and 28, egg quality traits were determined on 10 eggs (one viol) from each treatment. Data showed that egg weight losses were significantly higher in the eggs which were stored at room temperature (P<0.05). Also, washed eggs lost higher weight than other treatments. Haugh unit which is a quality parameter of eggs were significantly better in refrigerator conditions (P<0.05). Albumen and yolk indexes were found better in the eggs which were stored in refrigerator. The results of the study showed that egg kept in refrigerator had better quality traits than the eggs stored at room temperature. Also, keeping the eggs with stretch film had positive effect on egg quality. Conversely, egg washing decreased the quality of eggs.

Keywords: Egg, storage, egg quality, albumen, yolk.