Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on New Ideas in Management, Economics and Accounting
Year: 2020
Studying the Impact of Mega Trends on Businesses
Mojgan Darvish Alamoti
This research is based on the method of library (second) studies. the purpose of this paper is investigating the impact of mega trends on different business models, operation strategies and technologies in the next half of current century. After reviewing the opinions of 250 senior managers in 13 industries and 10 countries, it was found that Internet of things (IOT) will be the most impactful mega trend in the next 5 to 30 years, and in contrast, 3Ds printing will have the least impact on different sectors of various business. This technology will have some useful functions in the oil and gas, and construction industries. Also, “technology and innovation” are the forces that make the most changes in the competitive position of the different economic sectors. “Changing customers’ preferences” is in the following rank. Moving toward a low-carbon economy does not make change in the competitive situation in the short-term time, but it is a major disruptor over the time (in the long-term future). Generally, one of the most important results of this paper has been that although IOT, automation and artificial intelligence have the greatest impact on business, companies specify most of their human and capital capitals on things such as energy efficiency and personalization of services. It is Northway that the muted response to block chain, space economy and 3Ds printing are the important disruptors for business’s structure. Despite the existance of widespread discussions on these subjects, only a little more than half of those senior managers have stated it.
Keywords: Megatreneds, Business, Disruptors, Technology.