Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Future of Teaching and Education
Year: 2023
Peer Synchronous Feedback on Oral Presentation Skills
Eric Ho
This study explores the learning processes of students during peer assessment in an English as a Second Language (ESL) classroom, focusing on revising oral presentations. In examination-focused cultures like Hong Kong, peer assessment is often met with skepticism. However, previous research indicates improved outcomes among tertiary students after implementing peer assessment. This study aims to reveal how students can enhance their oral presentations through various stages of peer assessment, challenging the dominance of exam cultures.
Sixty postgraduate students participated in the study, attending training sessions on assessment rubrics and evaluating speakers’ performances before the actual assessment. A mixed-methods approach was employed, using questionnaire survey, peer written feedback, semi-structured interviews, and student reflections. Results showed students successfully evaluated, revised, and reflected on their learning processes during peer assessment. Students found tasks like conversations with peer assessors helpful in enhancing oral presentations throughout the semester.
The study concludes that, with proper planning and training, peer assessment is a promising alternative to engage students and boost performance. This research offers ESL educators practical strategies for incorporating peer assessment and oral presentations into the local university curriculum.
keywords: English as a second language, Independent learning, Postgraduate, Rubric, Tacit knowledge