Impact of gamification implementation in the E-Marketplace industry On Indonesian Gen Z

Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Business, Management and Economics

Year: 2022



Impact of gamification implementation in the E-Marketplace industry On Indonesian Gen Z

Zia Ulhaq Ahmad



The research study purpose is to explore how gamification implementation in the e-marketplace industry has an effect on the gen z in Indonesia as the customer, towards the customer loyalty, purchase intention, and the engagement of the customer in the platform caused by the gamification. The research was done by using interpretivism as well as abduction technique considering the changes in character of viewpoints and its dynamic. The technique that is being used is intended to help the researcher with the comprehension of many interpretations from the answers of the interviews regarding customers and users viewpoints on gamification and its implementation. In this study, the researcher is looking through the lens of the respondents or the interviewee as the source of data, and the approach that is being performed to analyse the data is the comparison approach. This study information also has been gathered by documents collection, reports, and data collection from the interviewee or respondents of the study who all provided the needed information. Following the study, it has been discovered that the themes of the study includes the general opinion of the gamification, the purchase intention, and the engagement of the customers in the platform that uses and implements the gamification. Finally, it has been found in this study that from the user’s perspective, their general opinion of the gamification concept as well as the correlation between gamification and purchase intentions, as well as customer engagement are positive. Furthermore, In Indonesia for the gen Z, gamification does not have a big impact on how they use a platform, therefore in conclusion it does not yet have a big of an impact in affecting customer loyalty to a platform.

keywords: Gamification, Marketing, Customer Loyalty, Customer Engagement, Marketing Strategy