Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Business, Management and Economics
Year: 2022
The Influence of Demographic Factors on the Buying Behaviour of Sports Apparel Consumers in Johannesburg
Dr. Ankit Katrodia
Establishing the factors that influence the consumer buying behaviour is an important marketing and managerial function. This study was conducted in in order to determine the influence of demographic factors like gender, race, age and education level on the purchasing behaviour of sports apparel in Johannesburg, South Africa. Also, the preferred option when buying sports apparel and the reasons for buying sports apparel were also investigated. A quantitative research approach was adopted. The data were collected using a closed-ended online questionnaire and a total of 70 responses were obtained. The study found that the demographic factors had no significant influence on the buying behaviour of sport apparel in Johannesburg. The results also indicated that there was no significant difference between those who bought sports clothing for participating in physical activities and those who bought them for casual wear. Moreover, there was no significant difference between those who preferred stores inside shopping malls and those who preferred stores in shopping centres. This suggests that managers may decide to locate their sports apparel stores either inside shopping malls or shopping centres, depending on where it is more commercially viable to do so. In addition, marketers can consider using similar marketing communications strategies for all demographic groups to minimize advertising costs.
keywords: Consumer behavior, purchase intention, demographics, Generation X and Y