Proceedings of The 6th World Conference on Research in Teaching and Education
Year: 2023
Class craft Enhances Professional Competencies of English Language Teachers
Szarmilaa Dewie Krishnan, Helmi Norman, and Melor Md. Yunus
The world is enthralled by the quick pace of technological innovation that defines the digital age, which is marked by the Internet as the major communication medium. The development of online learning in recent years has led to the integration of technology. Online education has gained popularity due to its ability to provide more flexible access to information and teaching at any time and location. In sync with the expansion of online learning in teacher training and teacher education, this study focuses on a fully online learning mode utilising an online gamified learning platform (Classcraft) to improve teachers’ competency. The goal of the study topic is to design and build a gamified online learning environment for English language instructors. Teachers are role models for their students and serve to provide them with relevant linguistic knowledge that can support their education. Thus, English language teachers must possess a certain level of proficiency in the language. As a result, the framework regards the Roadmap and the issue of English language teachers’ competency as being of utmost importance. The Roadmap 2015–2025 states that the current requirement for English language teachers in Malaysia to have a minimum CEFR Level C1 is designed to ensure that teachers can successfully teach in language classes. All English language teachers must therefore initiate their own education. Data from Classcraft’s design and development research design study show that gamified online learning has enhanced teachers’ professional skills.
keywords: Class craft, online gamified learning, English Language, teachers, professional competencies