The Question of Authority in The Educational Relationship: The Privilege of Coaches’ Position

Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Research in Teaching and Education

Year: 2022



The Question of Authority in The Educational Relationship: The Privilege of Coaches’ Position

Amedeo Giani



The Soccer project, conducted by a research group of the University of Turin, realized an educational path aimed at training the reflective posture needed by soccer school coaches. Carried out through the reflexive methodology of the 3RPlay practices, this path also included an evaluative plan that also had a self-assessment phase: through the latter, coaches expressed their need to better understand configuration and actions of the position of authority they held within the educational relationship.
In response to this need, the present contribution intends to articulate its proposal by defining two objectives, one theoretical and the other practical: the theoretical one will be aimed at reconstructing the paradigmatic structure of the “position of authority,” specific to the educational scene in sports; the practical one will indicate in the “privileged position” of the coach a possible relational model that is also useful and meaningful for other educational figures (teacher, educator, trainer, animator).

keywords: educational relationship, educational role, position, reflexivity, sport