Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Research in Teaching and Education
Year: 2022
Problems Encountered in the Assessment of Architecture Design Studio
Rahma M. Doheim
The design studio is the core course in architecture education. It is the pot where all complementary courses’ knowledge is integrated and implemented. The teaching and learning of the design studio are crucially influenced by the assessment process, in which the quality of the assessment affects the student’s learning experience significantly. Hence, this studio-based education system requires great attention to the assessment process. The assessment of design studio projects in Architecture education has always been a dilemma for faculty and jurors due to its challenging subjective nature. Many of the problems associated with the assessment process in design studios have been discussed in publications over thirty years ago, and to this day these problems still stand. This paper is a research review of problems associated with the assessment process of Architecture design studios. This review aims to identify the problems encountered in the design studio assessment and determine the shortcoming of this assessment process. Additionally, this research sheds light on the effectiveness of student-centered teaching in improving the efficiency of the assessment and evaluation processes. Based on the review, the author identified several problems encountered in the assessment process and linked them to three factors impacting these problems. Also, the student-centered teaching approach is recommended for the successful application of assessment and evaluation.
keywords: assessment criteria; evaluation; pedagogy; self-assessment; student-centered