Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Research in Teaching and Education
Year: 2022
Assessment Of EFL Teachers’ Awareness And Implementation Of Reading To Learn (R2L) Methodology In Teaching Reading To Secondary School Students In Ethiopia
Dr. Gemechis Teshome Chali, Miriam Taverniers
This study assessed language teachers’ awareness and practices of methodology called Reading to Learn (R2L) in teaching reading. The present study was conducted to fill the research gap by assessing the awareness and practices of R2L methodology in teaching reading. This study employed a descriptive and interpretive research design through qualitative methods. The employed data gathering tools were classroom observations, Focus Group Discussion and document review. Ten EFL teachers from different secondary schools of Jimma Zone were invited to obtain training before the study. The observation results of the lessons and the FGD were analyzed using an evaluative-interpretative paradigm. The finding of the study has twofold. First, before the conducting intervention through training the result showed the majority of the participants had no awareness of the methodology R2L and its practices. However, in the second phase the study reveals … most of the participants became well aware of the methodology and some of them made its practice as well e.g. teaching reading through integration, communication and offering reasonable home take jobs. The study also showed that the participants started to prepare authentic, relevant and genuine topics for teaching the reading as well. It is recommended that teachers need to expose themselves towards recent reading strategies and methodologies to teach the reading effectively and systematically. Furthermore, pedagogically, this study implies teachers can only assist their struggling readers when … obtain adequate training on teaching reading.
keywords: reading to learn, reading methodology, teaching reading, awareness, practice