Mapping of Research Output on Blended Learning: A Bibliometric Study

Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Research in Social Sciences and Humanities

Year: 2023



Mapping of Research Output on Blended Learning: A Bibliometric Study

Dr. Dinesh Kumari




This paper aims to  map the  research output on Blended Learning from 2018 to 2022.All articles related to Blended Learning have been retrieved using the largest indexing and abstracting database named Scopus.The paper carried out various parameters of bibliometric such as total output; year wise distribution of research output; top five sources;most prolific author, country, language etc. The study’s key findings were that, 4468 research papers published in 2018-2022. This study found that the most preferred document form is article with 2385 (53.38 %) publications followed by Conference Papers with 1862 (41.67%) publications and the most productive year is 2021 with 1080 (24.17%) publications followed by 2022 with 1059 (23.70%) publications on BL. The study explored that in terms of number of publications among top five authors, Zhu, C. is the most productive author with 17 publications on BL, followed by Pikhart, M. with 13 publications. ACM Int. Conference Proceedings Series (232) is observed as top preferred sources of publications on BL. In the country wise contribution, it is observed that China produced highest 675 (15.10%) articles, followed by Indonesia383 (8.57). In the language wise contribution, the study found that the maximum articles published in English language with, 4297 (96.17) articles followed by Spanish language with 57(1.27%)publications on BL.

keywords: Blended Learning, BL, Scopus, Bibliometric Study, Research Productivity