Settlement Through Court as A Legal Protection Effort on Creators

Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Research in Behavioral and Social Sciences

Year: 2019


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Settlement Through Court as A Legal Protection Effort on Creators

Anny Retnowati, Theresia Anita Christiani and Chryssantus Kastowo



This article is intended to analyze and evaluate the settlement process for copyright infringement through court. The court is as ultimum remidium in resolving legal issues if copyright infringement happens. Changes in the nature of offenses from ordinary offenses to complaint offenses have consequences in the legal enforcement process in the event of copyright infringements. The method used in this study is normative legal research. In this study, the data is in the form of secondary data supplemented by the results of interviews with parties related to the problem under the study. The result of the study shows that procedurally the mechanism for prosecution of rights and evidences as a law enforcement based on the procedural law of the district court also determines whether or not complaints are made by the creators and in making criminal charges the creators consider the aspects of legal certainty and justice.

Keywords: copyright, court, legal protection, expediency.