Proceedings of the 6th International Academic Conference on Education, Teaching and Learning
Year: 2023
Teacher Directed Learning to Self-Directed Learning Transition Barriers in United Arab Emirates
Hassan Afzal
This paper reviews implications and barriers associated with unprepared teacher directed learning (TDL) to self-directed learning (SDL) transition. Self-regulated learning (SRL) shows the impromptu transition from traditional developed TDL to highly eccentric SDL epistemology might bring down the established working standards of education. Improvised SDL transition limitations are discussed in the light of time-honored cultural and religious traditions. Educators generally agree to the surmised benefits of SDL approach but fear from ad lib adoption without addressing fallout of potent barriers. Students and teacher’s SDL readiness is viewed more important due to their driver and driven roles in TDL to SDL transition process. Teachers must be well aware of the shifting strategies, potent problems and their timely solutions. Students must be ready to accept SDL approach before adoption. Overall transition process may reflect terrible if traditional TDL preachers implement it under pressure preaching TDL system. Global accreditation and recognition systems require academicians to develop a unanimous consensus over TDL to SDL transition process. Autocratic TDL to SDL transition may lead to indiscriminate repercussions reprimanding agreed SDL principles. Typical TDL to SDL transition barriers of Muslim countries are critically viewed.
keywords: SDL, TDL, EBL, PBL, SRL, Autodidact, Barriers, Limitations