Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Advanced Research in Education, Teaching and Learning
Year: 2022
An analysis of the satisfaction and challenges of online learning for Chinese college students During COVID-19
Xinran Wang
The focus of this study is to investigate the level of satisfaction and challenges faced by students at a public university in China with regard to online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, and to make recommendations based on the findings and research literature. This study randomly selected 99 students from a public university and asked to answer an online learning satisfaction questionnaire. The questionnaire is divided into two parts: closed-ended questions and open-ended questions. The closed-ended questions are based on the Likert score, which is about student satisfaction. Open-ended questions are about online learning challenges. Descriptive analysis was performed on the data collected via the Likert scale, which was done with SPSS. In addition, this study used NVIVO software to conduct a thematic analysis of the open questions of online learning challenges. The results of the survey showed that from the data collected, the school’s performance in online learning satisfaction was moderate. At the level of challenges, the main problems focus on the three dimensions of network connection, self-control and restraint, and lack of attention. This research has an important role for future policy makers or principals to further improve the effect of online learning for college students. Future studies should employ mixed methods and large sample size methods to provide more detailed and comprehensive survey data.
keywords: COVID-19, online learning, satisfaction, challenges.