Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Advanced Research in Education, Teaching and Learning
Year: 2022
Innovative Teaching Methodologies for Language Acquisition
Chanchal Singh, Sohani Gandhioke
The paper demonstrates the significance of enhancing creative expression while acquiring language skills. Applying innovative teaching methodologies for language learning has become a crucial component in the acquisition of English. The research reveals the importance of coordination of content and action. The aim of our research is to gauge whether the use of innovative teaching methodologies, applied in the EFL classroom, can motivate learners to appreciate learning the English language. Our participants were university students. Through this study, we will share authentic experiences, which help to create learner autonomy. Instead of putting emphasis on rote memorization of data, stimulating the imagination, in order to develop the communication process, was greatly encouraged during the research. The application of inventive instructional strategies made the learning process more enjoyable, resulting in increased receptivity. The methodology used for assessment was based on interaction attentiveness, peer assessment and self-monitoring for language sensitivity.The tests showed that besides these factors, many other co-related aspects also influenced the learners. For instance, an individual’s confidence, attitude and willingness to communicate. The result of the study generated an ardent desire among the learners to understand the importance of the use of the English language and develop a sense of curiosity to study other cultures in relation to the country of their origin. Of the participants, those with high scores demonstrated greater cultural sensitivity and awareness. Our study proved that language acquisition could not be done in isolation, rather learning about other cultures would lead to the understanding and appreciation of English as a means of communication.
keywords: Communication, Cross-Cultural-Sensitivity, Creativity, Language-Acquisition, Motivation.