How can Street Art keep History and Place Identity alive

Proceedings of The 5th World Conference on Social Sciences

Year: 2022



How can Street Art keep History and Place Identity alive

Sara Rodrigues



Any image can tell us a story, framing a moment in time we intend to be remembered. In this way, art can be applied to history, capturing memorable important moments where an event took place and keeping it alive. This art representation is a visual cultural mark which possesses a visual discourse conveyed through the history it is telling, the emotions it provokes and what it communicates in the interaction with the spectator. The fact is that the closer the art expression is to the public, the more its discourse will reach people. Street art arises as a new voice for history, bringing closer to people landmarks referent to the cultural identity of the place it is displaced in. It builds representations of the cultural heritage of a community, and events that form its identity. The visual discourse displayed by street art captures the public’s attention, which works as the basis of urban art tourism leading to the revitalization of urban spaces.

keywords: street art, visual culture, visual discourse, heritage, history, identity, urban regeneration