Proceedings of The 5th World Conference on Research in Social Sciences
Year: 2023
Linguistic Analysis of Argumentation Structures in Georgian Political Speeches
Mariam Matiashvili
Argumentation is an integral part of our daily communications – formal or informal. Argumentative reasoning, techniques, and language tools are used both in personal conversations and in the business environment. Verbalization of the opinions requires the use of extraordinary syntactic-pragmatic structural quantities – arguments that add credibility to the statement. The study of argumentative structures allows us to identify the linguistic features that make the text argumentative. Knowing what elements make up an argumentative text in a particular language helps the users of that language improve their skills. Also, natural language processing (NLP) has become especially relevant recently. In this context, one of the main emphases is on the computational processing of argumentative texts, which will enable the automatic recognition and analysis of large volumes of textual data.
The research deals with the linguistic analysis of the argumentative structures of Georgian political speeches – particularly the linguistic structure, characteristics and functions of the parts of the argumentative text – claims, support and attack statements. The research aims to describe the linguistic cues that give the sentence a judgmental/controversial character and helps to identify reasoning parts of the argumentative text.
The empirical data comes from the Georgian Political Corpus, particularly TV debates. Consequently, the texts are of a dialogical nature, representing a discussion between two or more people (most often between a journalist and a politician).
The research uses the following approaches to identify and analyze the argumentative structures
- Lexical Classification & Analysis – Identify lexical items that are relevant in argumentative texts creating process – Creating the lexicon of argumentation (presents groups of words gathered from a semantic point of view);
- Grammatical Analysis and Classification – means grammatical analysis of the words and phrases identified based on the arguing lexicon.
- Argumentation Schemas – Describe and identify the Argumentation Schemes that are most likely used in Georgian Political Speeches.
As a final step, we analyzed the relations between the above-mentioned components. For example, If an identified argument scheme is “Argument from Analogy”, identified lexical items semantically express analogy too, and they are most likely adverbs in Georgian.
As a result, we created the lexicon with the words that play a significant role in creating Georgian argumentative structures. Linguistic analysis has shown that verbs play a crucial role in creating argumentative structures.
keywords: Argumentation, Georgian Political Speeches, Argumentation Scheme, Argumentation Lexicon