Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Opportunities and Challenges in Management, Economics and Accounting
Year: 2019
An innovative disruptive project management method: capitalizing on projects for company sustainability
The goal-oriented approach, structured using Gantt charts for more than 100 years(!), is the Holy Grail of any project today, in any company and any sector. An interesting complementary tool is to prioritize goals according to their importance, before they become urgent. From an innovative continuous improvement perspective, could we bring even more value to the company and its customers? We therefore propose, as a first step, structuring the project goals according to their importance, with reverse planning by time unit: quarter, month, week, working day. This reverse planning is implemented in a “triangle of importance”. With this in mind, the key to our approach is to match each sub-goal of the project with a symmetrical capitalization. This capitalization, which is mirrored, is intended to be transmitted within and between teams, to unite them and already let them contribute together to the sustainability of the company. This method, the Sustainability Mirror Tree (SMT), has been trialed repeatedly, and with success. It has been shown to be perfectly agile and very easy to share between players at all levels. “Reaching the project goals is silver, capitalizing on each of them as a team, to transmit and federate to sustain the company, is golden!” So far, this disruptive method of project management and continuous improvement is complementary to Gantt charts and other goal- based methods, and can be generalized to any sector and to all types and sizes of companies.
Keywords: Capitalization; Continuous improvement; Mirror Tree.